All About Aaron…
Aaron as a dwarven ranger.
Aaron as a surf dude.
Aaron as drawn by a talented 6-year-old.
Aaron Reynolds…
Is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author and has written many highly acclaimed books for kids including creepy carrots!, cREEPY PAIR OF UNDERWEAR!, Creepy crayon!, THE INCREDIBLY DEAD PETS OF REX DEXTER, and the epic fantasy series fart quest. He has a passion for kids’ books and seeing kids reading them. He regularly makes time for school visits, where his hilarious and heartfelt presentations keep kids spellbound. He lives in Chicago with his wife, two kids, three cats, and anywhere between zero and ten goldfish, depending on the day.
Okay, that’s what it says on the back of his books.
Here’s the stuff you didn’t know…
jUNE 4, 1970
Do the math.
nice try. keep going.
Born and raised:
nowhere and everywhere. Aaron’s dad was in the airforce, so he moved around a lot. Growing up, Aaron lived in Texas, Colorado, Florida, New jersey, Okinawa (a teensy island of the coast of japan), and finally settled in illinois.
currently residing:
Chicago, Illinois
one wife - Michelle
one daughter - reese
one son - ethan
three cats - misty, loki, and lucy
Favorite book:
The very persistent gappers of frip by george saunders
favorite book (runner-ups):
The hobbit by j.r.r. tolkien
james and the giant peach by roald dahl
watership down by richard adams
Harry potter and the goblet of fire by JK rowling
favorite pizza:
pepperoni and pineapple
favorite color:
favorite food:
breakfast tacos
other stuff aaron loves:
books (obviously)
Dungeons & dragons
star wars
building model spaceships
really cold air conditioning
stuff aaron hates:
mint chocolate chip ice cream
not being able to find your keys
bad sushi
waiting to go on vacation
being too hot
things aaron would like to do someday:
swim with sharks - did it in 2015!
backpack across europe - did it in 2016!
learn to scuba dive - did it in 2021!
become fluent in a second language - working on it now!
learn to play the violin
go into outer space